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Warranty Policy

Cases of return:

  • Goods with technical defects and manufacturer errors such as deformed products, cracks, ribs, blurred graphics, etc.;
  • Goods are damaged or cracked due to the process of transporting goods to customers
  • The delivered goods do not match the design or type that the customer ordered;
  • The delivered goods are missing and do not have enough included sets (if it is a combo);

If you discover any of the above cases, please report them to immediately respond to your request or request a return.

Conditions and return regulations:

  • We determine and acknowledge that the defective product is the fault of the manufacturer.
  • Full packaging, box, no scratches, dents, external damage, breakage...
  • There are all accompanying documents such as receipts, invoices, delivery notes...

Refund fee:

The refund fee will be completely paid by if the error belongs to the company.

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