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Shipping policy

Delivery time: 2-5 working days for cities, districts/communes across the country

- For bank transfer, please transfer the order value to in advance. Accounts that use SMS Banking will receive information immediately. will immediately confirm the information and ship the goods to customers!

- Responsibility of the delivery party (logistic service provider): responsible for delivery time and guaranteed condition of goods when they reach the customer. In case an incident occurs due to the delivery party's fault, the delivery party will be fully responsible and compensated according to the product value., will not be responsible due to subjective errors of the delivery party. In case of force majeure, we will support 50% of the loss.

-In case of delay in delivery, will contact and promptly inform the customer and create an opportunity for the customer to cancel the contract if desired.


Transporters are understood as intermediary transport units that cooperate with to transport goods to customers such as: Viettel post, DHL, GHN, GHYK, J&T, Vietnam post, ...

Obligations of the carrier

– Ensuring adequate and safe transportation of goods to the designated location on time.

– Deliver the goods to the person authorized to receive them.

– Expenses related to the transportation of goods are paid according to agreement.

– Compensate for damages to the lessee in case the carrier loses or damages the goods, unless otherwise agreed or otherwise prescribed by law.

Rights of the carrier

– Check the authenticity of the goods, bill of lading or other equivalent shipping documents.

– Refuse to transport goods that do not match the type of property agreed in the contract.

– Require the shipping hirer to pay the full shipping fee on time.

– Refuse to transport prohibited goods or goods of dangerous or toxic nature.

Obligations of the charterer

– Pay the shipping fee in full to the carrier on time and by the agreed method.

– Provide necessary information related to transported goods to ensure the safety of transported goods.

- NGUYEN THI DIEU HIEN BUSINESS HOUSEHOLD is responsible for providing documents and papers related to the Buyer's payment to the Seller such as invoices, purchase orders, receipts... with the total amount that the Buyer has placed in the orders by the following two methods:

+ Documents and papers related to the Buyer's payment to the Seller such as invoices, purchase orders, receipts... are included in the parcel sent to the buyer.

+ Documents and papers related to the Buyer's payment to the Seller such as invoices, purchase orders, receipts.... are sent via zalo or the buyer's email

Rights of the charterer

– Request the carrier to transport the goods to the agreed location and time.

– Directly or appoint a third person to receive back the goods hired for transportation.

Liability to compensate for damages

– The carrier must compensate the charterer for damages if the goods are lost or damaged.

– The charterer must compensate the carrier and third parties for damage caused by dangerous or toxic goods transported without packaging measures to ensure safety during transportation. transfer.

– In case of force majeure causing the transported goods to be lost, damaged or destroyed during transportation, the carrier is not responsible for compensating for damages, unless otherwise agreed upon or by law. there are other regulations.

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